Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Week 3 (library cat!)

library cat, originally uploaded by Lumi*.

I couldn't resist including this image of a 'library cat', having just read Dewey: a small-town library cat who touched the world by Vicki Myron. I adore cats!

This third week of the Learning 2.0 course has been a revelation - I hadn't previously ventured into the world of photo sharing. I can envisage library uses such as sharing images of library layouts, display and promotional ideas/events, competitions, and of course local history image collections....among others!

I did experience problems when attempting to use the Blogger photo upload tool - whatever I did, I ended up with a blank page (no photo!). After a couple of frustrating attempts, I proceeded using Flickr's blogging tool (and I'm hoping it's going to work!).

I was interested to note the group tagging guidelines set forward by the Libraries and Librarians Flickr group, which included mandatory, conditional, and optional tags. I imagine that with our backgrounds in cataloguing and indexing, most library staff would be quite attentive to (and proficient in) tagging!

I was also interested to note the advent and development of Creative Commons - the concept of less restrictive copyright seems more in tune with the new ways of working, networking, and interacting that have been engendered by the online environment.

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